Thank you for taking the time to participate in the online consultation on the development proposals for Thingoe Hill. The purpose of this consultation is to gather feedback from local residents and stakeholders on the proposals, and we would like to hear your views.

City & Suburban Homes are submitting a planning application for the redevelopment of the currently vacant site at Thingoe Hill, Bury St Edmunds, to deliver approximately 64 self-contained apartments alongside associated landscaping and parking.


The site proposed for redevelopment currently comprises of a single storey light industrial unit, which has been vacant for more than 5 years. City & Suburban Homes are proposing to demolish this disused building to make space for a beautiful new development responding to local housing need. The site is a brownfield site and represents one of the most sustainable and accessible sites for development in the area.

Bury St Edmunds currently has a shortfall of housing for local people, particularly people wanting to live in the city centre close to local amenities and the train station. The site is located just 600m away from the Bury St Edmunds Town Centre and 400m from Bury St Edmunds train station, making it an ideal location for new housing.


City & Suburban Homes are proposing to deliver around 64 homes, spread across two residential blocks. The properties will be a mix of sizes, with an almost equal mix of 1, 2 and 3-bedroom flats suitable for a range of occupiers. The development will also include:

  • A proportion of affordable housing, to be agreed with the Council following more extensive discussions to understand affordable housing need
  • 64 car parking spaces on site, representing a 1:1 provision, with an additional 6 disabled bays
  • 132 secure and covered bicycle spaces
  • Dedicated servicing bays for delivery vehicles and waste collection
  • Private terraced areas for ground floor flats, and private balconies for all above-ground units
  • Communal amenity space including green spaces in front of buildings, large courtyards, woodland space and two roof gardens at third floor level (one on each building)
  • Use of materials and building appearance that complement the wider context of Bury St Edmunds


City & Suburban Homes have always been committed to acquiring brownfield sites for the purpose of redevelopment. Our ambition is to rejuvenate out-of-use sites and create beautiful developments that benefit the local community.

As previously developed land, the development will replace a hard-landscaped area with greened landscaping, public realm and private gardens. The existing trees surrounding the site will also be retained to enhance the privacy of gardens and also protect the existing biodiversity.


The Thingoe Hill development benefits from generous and secure cycle storage provision, as well as its close proximity to Bury St Edmunds train station, making it easier for residents to use sustainable transport options.

However, we understand that sustainable transport is not currently suitable for everyone, so we have ensured each flat has an allocated parking space to prevent parking overspill into existing areas. The development also includes 6 allocated disabled parking bays.

The site is located on a corner plot which is currently underutilised. City & Suburban Homes are seeking to make better use of this space through the redevelopment proposals for Thingoe Hill, maximising the sites potential. Given its ideal location, situated close to Bury St Edmunds town centre and surrounded by good transport options, this site represents a logical development opportunity. The local pedestrian and cycle infrastructure in the vicinity of the site will be improved as a result of the development, in order to encourage sustainable modes of travel. This includes improvements to the footway along Thingoe Hill to provide safe and efficient access the station, and town centre.


Demolishing the existing vacant industrial site to make space for the Thingoe Hill development presents a wide range of benefits for existing and future residents in Bury St Edmunds, such as:

  • Removing an unattractive, disused industrial building from the town centre, and in turn delivering much-needed homes to support local housing need, including provision of a mix of dwelling sizes and affordable housing
  • Protecting the existing biodiversity and retaining mature tree planting, whilst creating more green spaces around the site, as well as creating private and communal outdoor space for all residents
  • Making sustainable transport accessible for residents, through the site’s close proximity to a train station and the delivery of 132 secure cycle storage spaces, as well as improved pedestrian and cycle infrastructure in the vicinity of the site
  • Providing car parking spaces on a 1:1 provision, ensuring that each flat has an allocated parking space, and also creating an additional 6 disabled parking bays


Thank you for taking the time to view the online consultation materials. We would welcome your thoughts on the proposals for Thingoe Hill, and invite you to provide your feedback using the submission form.

Once the consultation has closed on 6th December, we will analyse the comments received and incorporate your feedback where possible ahead of submitting a planning application to West Suffolk Council in December 2020.

To get in touch:
Phone: 0800 368 7592
Email: info@thingoe-hill.co.uk
Postal Address: Thingoe Hill Team
Church House
29 Great Smith St